Monday, October 6, 2008

Eid Mubarak

meh nothin interestin happened here in Desaria Villa durin Eid. i pretty much didn't do anythin special besides partyin. he he. second day of eid was good, went to the pubs n had a few drinks with old friends from Qatar. yeh it was one well good gatherin. twas fun cuz we went around to different bars n had different drinks. at the end of the day, we were pretty pissed. And out of the blue, i got sick the next day! the cold n the coughs decided to come right at me. i was so dissapointed the night i got sick cuz i was gona go n chill with me friends but i had to stay in. it wasn't the most pleasant thing to have ur nose blocked, ur throat feelin like it's rippin apart n to not be abl to talk. *sigh* but it all came down to good times, i got well n went for a skate with friends in Cyberia. i then slept over at their house n yeh it might sound boring but at least i had a good time. oh can't wait till i move there, Desaria is such a rip off! they take so much of ur cash by electricity, water, food n the stupid bus fares. im not that much of a blogger but is it alright if i swear, eh Juida? i know that this is for my english class but it's still a blog, right? so it should be okay. :D well maybe next time. i tend to be polite right now. anyways i have nothin left to say, out of words and so Ciao!

1 comment:

j said...

Please visit the class blog regularly to stay updated on the instructions for each week's blog entry.